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Display sign covers the basics of emergency first aid care. Attention grabbing red and black text and graphics. 24"x19" Plastic ABC's of Emergency First Aid sign - 1 each. Post this emergency first aid and CPR sign in your business or factory. Covers mouth to mouth resuscitation, eye injury, choking, severe bleeding, fracture, burns, electric shock.

  • Display sign covers the basics of emergency first aid care.
  • Attention grabbing red and black text and graphics.
  • 24"x19" Plastic ABC's of Emergency First Aid sign - 1 each
  • Post this emergency first aid and CPR sign in your business or factory
  • Covers mouth to mouth resuscitation, eye injury, choking, severe bleeding, fracture, burns, electric shock

ABC's of First Aid/CPR Sign

SKU: CPR sign
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