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When the risk of inhaling or ingesting radioiodines is present, KI can be used to block thyroid uptake of radioactive iodine species and thus provide safe and effective protection against thyroid cancer caused by such irradiation when exposure can not be prevented by other measures. Current expiration is 2032. We have the most recent supply available.

Based on the data related to the Chernobyl accident, FDA recommends a standard daily dose of 16 mg of KI for infants less than one month old; 32 mg of KI to children aged one month to three years; 65 mg of KI for children and teenagers from three years to 18 years old; and 130 mg of KI for adults, including pregnant and lactating women, and adolescents over 150 lbs.

IOSAT KI Potassium Iodide Tablets

    • Iosat Potassium Iodide has been FDA approved since 1982. Stockpiling of potassium iodide (KI) is highly recommended by health officials worldwide for those exposed to radioactive iodine following a nuclear reactor accident or detonation of a nuclear weapon. Radioactive iodine can travel hundreds of miles downwind, such as it did after the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters. The thyroid is the only part of the body that absorbs and stores iodine. By taking FDA approved potassium iodide prior to exposure of radioactive iodine, your thyroid will become saturated with safe, stable iodine. This will prevent your thyroid's absorption of any additional iodine (radioactive or not) long enough for the radioactive iodine inhaled or ingested to be safely dispersed through the kidneys.

    • Meets all FDA requirements for potassium iodide as a radiation protective, and is labeled and packaged in accordance with US government guidelines. Has demonstrated all quality controls and passed all FDA requirements for purity, quality, safety, efficacy.

    • Comes full strength (130 mg of potassium iodide per tablet) in accordance with FDA demands for complete thyroid blocking.
    • Contains no potassium iodate or other adulterants. Contains only pure potassium iodide as the active ingredient.
    • iOSAT [potassium iodide] is manufactured in the United States under strict FDA “GMP guidelines,” and holds an approved “New Drug Application” (NDA).
    • iOSAT [potassium iodide] was the first product of its kind (since 1982) and is the only product which can be purchased by local, state and federal governments. Is widely purchased by nuclear utilities.
    • iOSAT [potassium iodide] offers unit dose packaging for maximum shelf-life and allows for individual tablet distribution without fear of loss of packaging integrity.
    • 130 mg. potassium iodide per tablet
    • 14 tablets per package
    • Current expiration 2032
  • During a nuclear accident, radioactive iodine may be released in a plume, or cloud, contaminating the environment, thus resulting in external exposure. Inhalation of con- taminated air and ingestion of contaminated food and drinking water may lead to internal radiation exposure and uptake of radioactive iodine mainly by the thyroid. The thyroid gland uses iodine to produce thyroid hormones and does not differentiate between radio- active and stable iodine. Hence after a nuclear accident, if radioactive iodine is inhaled or ingested, the thyroid gland absorbs it in the same way as stable iodine. If stable io- dine is administered prior to, or at the onset of the exposure to radioactive iodine, the uptake of the latter will be blocked by saturation of the thyroid gland with stable iodine, thus effectively reducing internal exposure of the thyroid. Overall, oral administration of stable iodine (together with control of food and drinking water) is considered an appro- priate strategy for reducing the risk of adverse health outcomes in people exposed to an accidental release of radioactive iodine and is included in many countries preparedness plans.

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